Getting Started

This section presents sample code for common use cases. The suggested workflow is the following:

  • Extracting symbols from a Nasdaq ITCH file.
  • Splitting Nasdaq ITCH files into per symbol individual ITCH files.
  • Process individual symbols.


Sample Nasdaq ITCH files are available at The following examples are based on the file 20190530.BX_ITCH_50.gz, which contains Nasdaq BX messages from May 30, 2019. The message format for Nasdaq BX is the same as for the main Nasdaq exchange, but the files are smaller and thus more suited for examples.

Sample code files are located in the samples directory. The sample data file should be placed in the sample_data directory.

Extracting symbols from a Nasdaq ITCH file

This program uses a ITCH50MessageParser to parse an individual Nasdaq ITCH 5.0 file and extract all the traded symbols from stock directory messages. This can be useful to list all the symbols that are present in the file.

"""Sample code for extracting the symbols from a ITCH 5.0"""

import gzip
from meatpy.itch50 import ITCH50MessageParser

sample_dir = '../sample_data/'

fn = '20190530.BX_ITCH_50.gz'
outfn = 'Symbols_20190530_BX_ITCH.txt'

# Initialize the parser
parser = ITCH50MessageParser()

# Keep only the Stock Directory Messages
parser.keep_messages_types = b'R'

# Stock Directory Messages are also copied in a separate list by the parser,
# so we can avoid keeping track of stock-specific messages, which saves
# memory.
parser.skip_stock_messages = True

# Parse the raw compressed ITCH 5.0 file.
# Note: This can take a while. If we were to run this on many files,
# it might make sense to modify the message parser to stop after a given
# number of messages since the stock directory messages are at the
# start of the day.
with + fn, 'rb') as itch_file:

# We only care about symbols, so let's extract those.
symbols = [x.stock for x in parser.stock_directory]

# Output the list of symbols, one per row.
lines = [x.decode() + '\n' for x in symbols]
with open(sample_dir + outfn, 'w') as out_file:

The first few lines of the output file look like this:


Splitting Nasdaq ITCH files

This program uses a ITCH50MessageParser to parse an individual Nasdaq ITCH 5.0 file and split the aggregate daily Nasdaq file into symbol-specific valid Nasdaq ICTH 5.0 files for the desired symbols. The resulting files are smaller, so it is more efficient for archival if only some symbols are needed. This makes parallel processing much easier because symbol-specific files can be processed in parallel on one computer using multiple cores or on computing clusters. Reading and writing ITCH files in binary format is also much faster than using human-readable formats such as CSV.

"""Sample code for parsing a ITCH 5.0 file"""

import gzip
from datetime import datetime
from meatpy.itch50 import ITCH50MessageParser

sample_dir = '../sample_data/'

date = datetime(2019, 5, 30)
dt_str = date.strftime('%Y%m%d')

fn = dt_str + '.BX_ITCH_50.gz'

# List of stocks to extract, in byte arrays.
# Note that all Nasdaq ITCH symbols are 8 bytes long (ticker + whitespace)
stocks = [b'AAPL    ', b'ALGN    ']

# Initialize the parser
parser = ITCH50MessageParser()

# Setup parser to minimize memory use. A smaller buffer uses less memory
# by writes more often to disk, which slows down the process.
parser.message_buffer = 500  # Per stock buffer size (in # of messages)
parser.global_write_trigger = 10000  # Check if buffers exceeded

# We only want our stocks. This is optional, by default MeatPy 
# extracts all stocks.
parser.stocks = stocks

# Set the output dir for stock files
# Using a file prefix is good practice for dating the files.
# It also avoids clashes with reserved filenames on Windows, such
# as 'PRN'.
parser.output_prefix = sample_dir + 'BX_ITCH_' + dt_str + '_'

# Parse the raw compressed ITCH 5.0 file.
with + fn, 'rb') as itch_file:
    parser.parse_file(itch_file, write=True)

Processing Nasdaq ITCH files

This program processes a symbol-specific ICTH 5.0 file to extract limit order book snapshots and data related to order book events and executions.

While MeatPy does not have built-in multiprocessing support, multiple instances of this code can be executed in parallel using Python’s multiprocessing package.

"""Sample code for processing ITCH 5.0 file and extracting measures"""
import gzip
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from meatpy.itch50 import ITCH50MessageParser, ITCH50MarketProcessor, \
ITCH50ExecTradeRecorder, ITCH50OrderEventRecorder
from meatpy.event_handlers import LOBRecorder
from meatpy import ExecutionPriorityException, \
VolumeInconsistencyException, ExecutionPriorityExceptionList

sample_dir = '../sample_data/'

parser = ITCH50MessageParser()

with open(sample_dir + 'BX_ITCH_20190530_ALGN.txt', 'rb') as itch_file:
# There should only be one stock in the file.
stocks = [s for s in parser.stock_messages]
stock = stocks[0]

processor = ITCH50MarketProcessor(stock, datetime(2019, 5, 30))
# Create a LOB recorder. By default, it records all LOB events.
# That means we will have an event everytime an order enters or exits the book.
# Create one to record the top of book (level 1), all events
tob_recorder = LOBRecorder()
# We only care about the top of book
tob_recorder.max_depth = 1

# We create another one to record 1-minute snapshots on the book
lob_recorder = LOBRecorder()
# We only want every minute. Nasdaq timestamps are in nanoseconds since 12am.
seconds_range = [x * 1000000000 for x in range(34130, 57730+1, 60)]
lob_recorder.record_timestamps = seconds_range

# Create the trade recorder
trade_recorder = ITCH50ExecTradeRecorder()
# Create the order event recorder
order_recorder = ITCH50OrderEventRecorder()

# Attach the recorders to the processor 

# Process the messages
for m in parser.stock_messages[stock]:
    except ExecutionPriorityException as e:
        sys.stderr.write('Warning,' + stock.decode() +
                         ',' + e.args[0] + ',"' + e.args[1] + ' (' +
                         str(e[2]) + ')"\n')
    except VolumeInconsistencyException as e:
        sys.stderr.write('Warning,' + stock.decode() +
                         ',' + e[0] + ',"' + e[1] + '\n')
    except ExecutionPriorityExceptionList as eList:
        for e in eList.args[1]:
            sys.stderr.write('Warning,' + stock.decode() +
                             ',' + e.args[0] + ',"' + e.args[1] + ' (' +
                             str(e.args[2]) + ')"\n')
# Output files
with + 'tob.csv.gz', 'w') as outfile:
    tob_recorder.write_csv(outfile, collapse_orders=True)
with + 'lob.csv.gz', 'w') as outfile:
    lob_recorder.write_csv(outfile, collapse_orders=False)
with + 'tr.csv.gz', 'w') as outfile:
with + 'or.csv.gz', 'w') as outfile:

The first few lines of each output file look like this:

lob.csv (lob recorder, full book)
Timestamp Type Level Price Order ID Volume Order Timestamp
34130000000000 Ask 1 3010100 656801 400 34052727737823
34130000000000 Bid 1 2942000 669949 200 34085725901583
34190000000000 Ask 1 3010100 656801 400 34052727737823
34190000000000 Bid 1 2942000 669949 200 34085725901583
34250000000000 Ask 1 3010100 656801 400 34052727737823
34250000000000 Ask 2 3040000 845161 30 34202154392271
34250000000000 Ask 3 3142000 783433 100 34200414784684
34250000000000 Ask 4 3471000 774589 100 34200317659936
34250000000000 Bid 1 2958900 837589 200 34201826545548
34250000000000 Bid 2 2829900 783425 100 34200414765177
34250000000000 Bid 3 2502200 774585 100 34200317644668
34310000000000 Ask 1 3040000 845161 30 34202154392271
34310000000000 Ask 2 3142000 783433 100 34200414784684
34310000000000 Ask 3 3471000 774589 100 34200317659936
or.csv (order event recorder)
Timestamp MessageType BuySellIndicator Price Volume OrderID NewOrderID AskPrice AskSize BidPrice BidSize
34052727727406 AddOrder B 2954000 400 656797   None None None None
34052727737823 AddOrder S 3010100 400 656801   None None 2954000 400
34084825837342 OrderDelete       656797   3010100 400 2954000 400
34085725901583 AddOrder B 2942000 200 669949   3010100 400 None None
34200317644668 AddOrderMPID B 2502200 100 774585   3010100 400 2942000 200
34200317659936 AddOrderMPID S 3471000 100 774589   3010100 400 2942000 200
34200414765177 AddOrderMPID B 2829900 100 783425   3010100 400 2942000 200
34200414784684 AddOrderMPID S 3142000 100 783433   3010100 400 2942000 200
34200777056480 OrderDelete       669949   3010100 400 2942000 200
34201826545548 AddOrder B 2958900 200 837589   3010100 400 2829900 100
34202154392271 AddOrder S 3040000 30 845161   3010100 400 2958900 200
34272871221455 OrderDelete       837589   3010100 400 2958900 200
34272871225602 OrderDelete       656801   3010100 400 2829900 100
34471992679916 AddOrder B 2992600 3 2939241   3040000 30 2829900 100
tob.csv (lob recorder, top of book only)
Timestamp Type Level Price Volume N Orders
34052727727406 Bid 1 2954000 400 1
34052727737823 Ask 1 3010100 400 1
34052727737823 Bid 1 2954000 400 1
34084825837342 Ask 1 3010100 400 1
34085725901583 Ask 1 3010100 400 1
34085725901583 Bid 1 2942000 200 1
34200317644668 Ask 1 3010100 400 1
34200317644668 Bid 1 2942000 200 1
34200317659936 Ask 1 3010100 400 1
34200317659936 Bid 1 2942000 200 1
34200414765177 Ask 1 3010100 400 1
34200414765177 Bid 1 2942000 200 1
34200414784684 Ask 1 3010100 400 1
34200414784684 Bid 1 2942000 200 1
tr.csv (trade recorder)
Timestamp MessageType Queue Price Volume OrderID OrderTimestamp
34703242608927 Exec Ask 3008000 31 4426365 34692733984765
34703242648024 Exec Ask 3008000 60 4426365 34692733984765
34729950074550 Exec Bid 3017000 4 4635649 34729950038510
35149267156862 ExecHid Bid 3025000 100    
35290544186992 ExecHid Bid 3026200 100    
35290544190321 ExecHid Bid 3026200 100    
35290544574482 ExecHid Bid 3026200 100    
35401142766421 ExecHid Bid 3027100 100    
35518105042925 ExecHid Bid 3035200 75    
35518105042925 ExecHid Bid 3035000 25    
35574799640110 ExecHid Bid 3032500 75    
35574799640110 ExecHid Bid 3032500 25    
35703478335449 Exec Bid 3024500 17 7939453 35327271048191
35778872267499 ExecHid Bid 3023500 100